Balancing Your Life Changes with Ayurveda
As the days get longer and the snow recedes, I’m reminded of the impermanence of nature and the well known Heraclitus saying,
“The only constant is change.”
Emerging from the cocoon of winter and welcoming in spring is a favorite time of the year. A cosmic rebirth. But boy are we humans resistant to change, even though it is our natural state to evolve, morph, grow, and change throughout the seasons of our lives.
How do we tap into that natural cycle of change? In a way that brings out more of the greatness and truth of who we are and less of clinging to the ways of the past, that which we’re familiar and comfortable with—that which we already know.
This is where Ayurveda comes in. This ancient practice translated as “life knowledge” may just hold the key to our evolution, our acceptance of change being a part of who we are, and to delight in the opportunity to ebb and flow like the cycles of mother nature in our own being.
How would it feel to bounce out of bed in the morning ready for a new day? No caffeine or sugar? No problem!
How do we live life in a way that is fully aligned with our highest good without feeling deprived of something else and resistant to changing behaviors and habits?
Ayurveda teaches us to know ourselves as nature itself through identifying our unique traits as they relate to the five elements. Known as your constitution, your Ayurvedic dosha acts as a blueprint of your genetic makeup and innate personality. In other words, the unwavering characteristics of who you are from the time of birth to the present moment. Knowing your dosha is powerful, in that it allows you to notice when things in your body and life are out of balance.
The three doshas are:
Kapha - Earth + Water
Pitta - Fire + Water
Vata - Air + Ether
Someone with predominant Kapha dosha might have a larger build, thick hair, and oily pale skin. In balance a kapha type is very grounded and nurturing, while out of balance might tend towards depression as there is too much of that heavy earth element present.
The Pitta dosha is fiery. Skin might be fair and even reddish, medium build with a fast metabolism, and sensitive to heat. When out of balance a pitta type may have a temper, be controlling, and experience heartburn and skin problems. When in balance a pitta type is focused and determined as well as cheerful and intelligent.
Vatas are the lightest build, often small and thin, as this element relates to air and space. When out of balance a vata type may experience anxiety, stress and worry, while in balance can be highly creative, enthusiastic, and spiritual.
As you gain more knowledge about your dosha, (you can take a dosha quiz online) you’ll begin to become aware of the imbalances in your mind and body, and start to notice the changes in your vitality as you add in more of what serves you based on your dosha, and remove that which doesn’t. As you begin to align more fully with what your highest Self is needing, you won’t want to go back!
Ayurveda Cleanse
If you’re ready to learn how to create lasting change, how to tend to your unique constitution to make choices that serve you versus deplete you, then our 3 week workshop series, Spring into Spring workshop, with Jean and Laura might be just what your true self is looking for!