In an effort to keep everyone in our community safe and healthy, and our doors open, we are asking that you please consider the following guidelines before attending any classes or workshops in-person at the studio. Our response is based on guidance from the CDC and State of NH, and may change based on their recommendations.
AS OF MARCH 2, 2022 WE WILL NO LONGER BE CHECKING STUDENTS VACCINATION STATUS. If you have any concerns with this change in policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions, comments, and concerns. Please direct all correspondence to
Taking consideration from the current CDC guidelines on masking and the NH COVID-19 response, masks will be optional at the studio unless our community levels increases to HIGH.
Please continue to stay home if you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick or tested positive for Covid-19.
Please continue to wear a mask before, after, or during class based on your own needs.
The studio will continue to be open 15 minutes prior to the class start time. Please arrive in a timely manner to ensure that the teachers have enough time to check everyone in and start the online class as well. Please be considerate of others' time and energy.
CONSENT TOKENS: Some of our teachers use hands on adjustments to help the practitioner deepen a pose or come into anatomical alignment. For these classes your teacher will have consent tokens available before class. One side of the wooden chip has a “Yes” on it and the other side says “No Thank you”. You simply place the token on your mat on whichever side you need that day.
You are welcome to continue to bring your own props or use those that are provided in-studio as well as use one of our hand towels when placing your face on a bolster, blanket or mat.
We are cleaning touch points, surfaces, and floors between each class, and airing out blankets for 24 hours.
All of our teachers are fully vaccinated.
We will have a variety of classes via livestream and encourage anyone who is uncomfortable in the studio setting to check out our online offerings.