Asteya- Give Back to the Earth with Joy
“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.” -Buddha
As yogis and yoginis on a path to higher consciousness, no matter where on that path you may be, we recognize the inherent connection between all things. Earth Day is an opportunity to take a closer look at how we can become more conscious, to not take more than we need from mother Earth. We only inhabit this planet for a short while. The yogic philosophy of Asteya, the fourth Yama, reminds us what “non-stealing” means in the context of how we may be taking from the Earth, as well as future generations. We can probably agree that most of us aren’t stealing in the context of possessions. But what about that long shower, the lights you forgot to turn off, the multiple car trips into town, the trash that could’ve been recycled, composted, or reused? When we mindlessly go about our day without considering the greater impact it has on the Earth, our HOME, we are ignoring this very important aspect of the yogic path.
In celebration of Earth Day this Saturday April 22nd, consider practicing Asteya, non-stealing, by giving back in a conscious effort to preserve the planet today, and for future generations.
And don’t worry, your efforts need not be huge to make an impact. Take one small step! Known in Japanese culture as Kaizen, the idea is that taking small incremental steps is more impactful and sustainable than 1 big action that has more chances of failure.
Here are some of our favorite ways to give back to the Earth:
Cut down your carbon footprint, carpool to yoga, ride your bike, and make fewer trips by combining all your errands into 1 trip.
Eat more plant-based meals, buy local & seasonal foods and curb waste by planning your meals so that everything gets used. Farmer’s market season is HERE, so be sure to check out all of the local options nearby! We’re very excited to be partnering with the North Conway Farmer’s Market where we’ll offer a yoga sampling on Tuesday evenings all summer long. Be on the lookout for more details coming soon!
Buy less new clothing, repair what you have, wear it out, and when you buy new, look for sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester. To shop local and reduce the carbon footprint of shipping check out consignment shops like IME, Kid’s Corner and It’s My Girlfriend’s Boutique!
Use REUSABLE WATER BOTTLES! Single-use plastics are one of the most detrimental contributors to ocean pollution and much of it is not being recycled.
You can get your Mountain Kula Yoga bottles at the studio for
Celebrate Earth Day
As we all strive to give back to mother earth, and practice Asteya, and Kaizen, each and EVERY day, let’s come together in KULA (community!) and share our favorite tips to reduce waste and create a more sustainable environment together. Share your tips and comments below!