Call Of The Heart: A Vernal Equinox Journey With Yoga, Sound, & Herbs with Christy M.
Come. Join together in a ceremonial circle for an equinox celebration. Let's honor the seasonal shift from darkness into light. On this day when the day is equal in length to the night, the sun and moon offered equal time to shine, we join together in a ceremonial circle, offering our intentions to the collective in a deeply nourishing practice, guided by the healing sound vibrations of the crystal bowls, visionary herbs and a supported yogic sleep. Offer yourself a moment’s reflection, an opportunity to emerge from this winter slumber with an inner journey destined to fuel the outward path. We will begin with a tea ceremony, using shamanic and visionary herbs to prepare the many layers of self for astral travel, followed by a heart-opening meditation designed to unite the energies of the group, move into a supported restorative yoga practice - completing with a yoga nidra, which will be accompanied by the quartz crystal bowls. Honor the darkness, the light, that lives within and dwells without. The darkness that nourishes the light through the winter months and the light that grows stronger with the shift of the season into spring. Allow yourself to sink completely into the darkness, implore it to reveal its secrets, offer gratitude for its wisdom and welcome the growing light that follows. In sacred ritual, sound clears and heals the energetic, emotional and physical self. The many layers of self contain our beliefs, values, intentions, behaviors and the possibility of all that we may become. Using sound as a tool for transformation, we take flight, achieving an eagle's eye perspective, dreaming our most potentized selves into reality. Practice in a softly candlelit space and be inspired by the altar built of flowers, crystals and sea shells. Explore your interior for insight and inspiration or just rest in the subtle layers of self to repair and reset the energy body.
$35 Non-Members
Unlimited Monthly Members and Class Pack holders: $28